Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Exercise # 1

Wow, I am bad at this... OK, so I am no full time blogger, yet... Just wait, one day I will be addicted.

So, I decided to take my own advice and do a "writing exercise"... truth be told, I did this, gosh, a month ago. But here I am, to write about it. Better late than never, right?

Lunchtime writing exercise (17 September 2009):

Sitting on the grass between the Registry and the Leith. (For clarity sake, I've been temping at the University of Otago, so that is the university Registry building and the Leith stream).

The sun is warm, but the breeze is cool enough to chill you through.

There is a fairly constant background noise of sparrows chirping.
The occasional squawk of a seagull. And now and then a full raucous.
Insects buzz close by.
Can hear female voices, but not what they say.
At normal conversational tones, male voices do not seem to travel as far. Curious.

I thought I could smell the grass when I sat down, but not particularly now.
A distinct lack of any particular smell.
Insects still buzz in general vicinity.
Occasional bird trill.

Observational skills are affected by me facing into the sun.

Someone is lying on their belly - looking for all the world like she might be snoozing.
Sound of heals walking by - fairly dull sound, must be largish heals??

Blossom litters the lawn.

The bizarre sensation of hearing someone speak but your brain not comprehending a single word - hearing another language.
Strangely soothing in a way.

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